Llama-2-13b-chat由Meta AI研发并开源,在编码、推理及知识应用等场景表现优秀,Llama-2-13b-chat是性能与效果均衡的原生开源版本,适用于对话场景。本文介绍了相关API。
百度智能云千帆提供了 API在线调试平台-示例代码 ,用于帮助开发者调试接口,平台集成快速检索、查看开发文档、查看在线调用的请求内容和返回结果、复制和下载示例代码等功能,简单易用,更多内容请查看API在线调试介绍。
- 本文内容适用千帆Python、Go、Java和Node.js SDK,SDK调用流程请参考SDK安装及使用流程。
- 指定支持预置服务的模型,使用model参数指定支持预置服务的模型,详见请求参数说明。
- 用户快速部署自行发布的模型服务,需使用参数endpoint,详见请求参数说明。
- 指定支持预置服务的模型
import os
import qianfan
# 替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
os.environ["QIANFAN_ACCESS_KEY"] = "your_iam_ak"
os.environ["QIANFAN_SECRET_KEY"] = "your_iam_sk"
chat_comp = qianfan.ChatCompletion()
# 指定特定模型
resp = chat_comp.do(model="Llama-2-13b-chat", messages=[{
"role": "user",
"content": "hi"
package main
import (
func main() {
// 使用安全认证AK/SK鉴权,通过环境变量初始化;替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
os.Setenv("QIANFAN_ACCESS_KEY", "your_iam_ak")
os.Setenv("QIANFAN_SECRET_KEY", "your_iam_sk")
// 指定特定模型
chat := qianfan.NewChatCompletion(
resp, _ := chat.Do(
Messages: []qianfan.ChatCompletionMessage{
import com.baidubce.qianfan.Qianfan;
import com.baidubce.qianfan.model.chat.ChatResponse;
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 使用安全认证AK/SK鉴权,替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
Qianfan qianfan = new Qianfan("your_iam_ak", "your_iam_sk");
// 指定模型
ChatResponse resp = qianfan.chatCompletion()
.addMessage("user", "hi")
import {ChatCompletion, setEnvVariable} from "@baiducloud/qianfan";
// 使用安全认证AK/SK鉴权,通过环境变量初始化;替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
const client = new ChatCompletion();
async function main() {
const resp = await client.chat({
messages: [
role: 'user',
content: 'hi',
}, 'Llama-2-13b-chat');
- 用户自行发布的模型服务
import os
import qianfan
# 替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
os.environ["QIANFAN_ACCESS_KEY"] = "your_iam_ak"
os.environ["QIANFAN_SECRET_KEY"] = "your_iam_sk"
chat_comp = qianfan.ChatCompletion()
# 使用自行发布的模型
resp = chat_comp.do(endpoint="your_custom_endpoint", messages=[{
"role": "user",
"content": "hi"
# 可以通过resp["body"]获取接口返回的内容
package main
import (
func main() {
// 使用安全认证AK/SK鉴权,通过环境变量初始化;替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
os.Setenv("QIANFAN_ACCESS_KEY", "your_iam_ak")
os.Setenv("QIANFAN_SECRET_KEY", "your_iam_sk")
// 使用自行发布的模型
chat := qianfan.NewChatCompletion(
resp, _ := chat.Do(
Messages: []qianfan.ChatCompletionMessage{
import com.baidubce.qianfan.Qianfan;
import com.baidubce.qianfan.model.chat.ChatResponse;
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 使用安全认证AK/SK鉴权,替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
Qianfan qianfan = new Qianfan("your_iam_ak", "your_iam_sk");
// 使用自行发布的模型,替换your_custom_endpoint
ChatResponse resp = qianfan.chatCompletion()
.addMessage("user", "hi")
import {ChatCompletion, setEnvVariable} from "@baiducloud/qianfan";
// 使用安全认证AK/SK鉴权,通过环境变量初始化;替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
const client = new ChatCompletion({Endpoint: 'your_endpoint'});
async function main() {
const resp = await client.chat({
messages: [
role: 'user',
content: 'hi',
'id': 'as-tc4zh3aqnj',
'object': 'chat.completion',
'created': 1719048276,
'result': " Hello! It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with or would you like to chat for a bit?",
'is_truncated': False,
'need_clear_history': False,
'usage': {'prompt_tokens': 1, 'completion_tokens': 29, 'total_tokens': 30}
Hello! It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with or would you like to chat for a bit?
Hello! It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with or would you like to chat for a bit?
headers: {...},
id: 'as-pu7511p9e3',
object: 'chat.completion',
created: 1719049368,
result: " Hello! It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with or would you like to chat for a bit?",
is_truncated: false,
need_clear_history: false,
usage: { prompt_tokens: 1, completion_tokens: 29, total_tokens: 30 }
import os
import qianfan
# 【推荐】使用安全认证AK/SK鉴权
# 替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
os.environ["QIANFAN_ACCESS_KEY"] = "your_iam_ak"
os.environ["QIANFAN_SECRET_KEY"] = "your_iam_sk"
chat_comp = qianfan.ChatCompletion()
# 多轮对话
resp = chat_comp.do(model="Llama-2-13b-chat", messages=[{
"role": "user",
"content": "hi"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "Hello! It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with or would you like to chat for a bit?"
"role": "user",
"content": "Please introduce The Great Wall"
package main
import (
func main() {
// 使用安全认证AK/SK鉴权,通过环境变量初始化;替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
os.Setenv("QIANFAN_ACCESS_KEY", "your_iam_ak")
os.Setenv("QIANFAN_SECRET_KEY", "your_iam_sk")
// 多轮对话
chat := qianfan.NewChatCompletion(
resp, _ := chat.Do(
Messages: []qianfan.ChatCompletionMessage{
qianfan.ChatCompletionAssistantMessage("Hello! It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with or would you like to chat for a bit?"),
qianfan.ChatCompletionUserMessage("Please introduce The Great Wall"),
import com.baidubce.qianfan.Qianfan;
import com.baidubce.qianfan.model.chat.ChatResponse;
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 使用安全认证AK/SK鉴权,替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
Qianfan qianfan = new Qianfan("your_iam_ak", "your_iam_sk");
// 多轮对话
ChatResponse resp = qianfan.chatCompletion()
.addMessage("user", "hi")
.addMessage("assistant", "Hello! It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with or would you like to chat for a bit?")
.addMessage("user", "Please introduce The Great Wall")
import {ChatCompletion, setEnvVariable} from "@baiducloud/qianfan";
// 使用安全认证AK/SK鉴权,通过环境变量初始化;替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
const client = new ChatCompletion();
async function main() {
const resp = await client.chat({
messages: [
role: 'user',
content: 'hi',
role: "assistant",
content: "Hello! It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with or would you like to chat for a bit?"
role: "user",
"content": "Please introduce The Great Wall"
'id': 'as-i0cxzhk8qa',
'object': 'chat.completion',
'created': 1719048428,
'result': " The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, and other materials, built across the northern borders of China to protect the Chinese Empire from invasions by nomadic tribes. It was constructed over the course of many centuries, with the first versions of the wall being built as early as the 7th century BC. The wall was continuously expanded and fortified over time, with the most famous and impressive sections being built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).\n\nThe Great Wall stretches for over 4,000 miles, making it one of the longest structures ever built. It was originally built to be up to 30 feet high and up to 25 feet wide, with watchtowers and beacon towers spaced at regular intervals. The wall was designed to be impenetrable, with its sheer size and complexity making it nearly impossible for invading armies to breach.\n\nThe Great Wall is not only an engineering marvel but also a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the Chinese people. It is estimated that over a million workers were involved in its construction, and it is believed that thousands of workers died during its construction.\n\nThe Great Wall is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is considered one of the most famous landmarks in the world. It is a popular tourist destination, with visitors from all over the world coming to marvel at its grandeur and historical significance.\n\nIn addition to its military and historical significance, the Great Wall is also a symbol of Chinese culture and civilization. It is a reminder of the country's rich history and its ability to endure and adapt over time.\n\nOverall, the Great Wall of China is an incredible feat of engineering, a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the Chinese people, and a symbol of Chinese culture and civilization.",
'is_truncated': False,
'need_clear_history': False,
'usage': {'prompt_tokens': 34, 'completion_tokens': 396, 'total_tokens': 430}
The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, and other materials, built across the northern borders of China to protect the Chinese Empire from invasions by nomadic tribes. It was constructed over the course of many centuries, with the first versions of the wall being built as early as the 7th century BC. The wall was continuously expanded and fortified over time, with the most famous and impressive sections being built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).
The Great Wall stretches for over 4,000 miles, making it one of the longest structures ever built. It passes through mountains, deserts, and plains, and was originally built to be up to 30 feet high and up to 25 feet wide. The wall was equipped with watchtowers, barracks, and beacon towers, which allowed soldiers to communicate and respond quickly to threats.
The Great Wall is not only an impressive feat of engineering and construction, but it is also a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the Chinese people. It has become a symbol of China's rich history and culture, and is considered one of the greatest architectural achievements in human history.
The Great Wall has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in China. Visitors can walk or hike along certain sections of the wall, and many people attempt to walk the entire length of the wall, which is considered a challenging but rewarding experience.
Overall, the Great Wall of China is a remarkable structure that has stood the test of time, and continues to inspire awe and wonder in people from all over the world.
The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, and other materials, built across the northern borders of China to protect the Chinese Empire from invasions by nomadic tribes. It was constructed over the course of many centuries, with the first versions of the wall being built as early as the 7th century BC. The wall was continuously expanded and fortified over time, with the most famous and impressive sections being built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).
The Great Wall stretches for over 4,000 miles, making it one of the longest structures ever built. It passes through mountains, deserts, and plains, and was originally built to be up to 30 feet high and up to 25 feet wide. The wall was equipped with watchtowers, barracks, and signal towers, which allowed soldiers to communicate and respond quickly to any threats.
The Great Wall is not only an engineering marvel but also a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the Chinese people. It has become a symbol of China's rich history and culture, and is considered one of the greatest architectural achievements in history.
The Great Wall has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in China. Visitors can walk or hike along the wall, and many sections have been restored and renovated to their original glory. The wall's historical significance and breathtaking scenery make it a must-see destination for anyone interested in history, culture, and natural beauty.
headers: {...},
id: 'as-9u4yb2fh3f',
object: 'chat.completion',
created: 1719049493,
result: ' The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, and other materials, built across the northern borders of China to protect the Chinese Empire from invasions by nomadic tribes. It was constructed over the course of many centuries, with the first versions of the wall being built as early as the 7th century BC. The wall was continuously expanded and fortified over time, with the most famous and impressive sections being built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).\n' +
'\n' +
'The Great Wall stretches for over 4,000 miles, making it one of the longest structures ever built. It spans across 15 provinces and regions in China, winding its way through mountains, deserts, and plains. The wall was built to be impenetrable, with watchtowers and beacon towers spaced at regular intervals to alert soldiers of any impending invasions.\n' +
'\n' +
"The Great Wall is not only an engineering marvel but also a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the Chinese people. It has become a symbol of China's rich history and culture, and is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Medieval World.\n" +
'\n' +
'The wall was built to serve several purposes, including:\n' +
'\n' +
'1. Military defense: The wall was built to protect China from invasions by nomadic tribes from the north, such as the Xiongnu, Mongols, and Manchu.\n' +
'2. Border control: The wall helped to regulate trade and immigration, and prevented smuggling and other illegal activities.\n' +
'3. Communication: The wall facilitated communication between different regions of China, allowing messages to be transmitted quickly and efficiently.\n' +
"4. Symbol of power: The wall was a symbol of the Chinese Empire's power and prestige, showcasing the strength and grandeur of the Chinese state.\n" +
'\n' +
'The Great Wall has been the subject of numerous legends, stories, and poems throughout Chinese history. It has also been the focus of many restoration and preservation efforts, with parts of the wall being designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Today, the Great Wall remains a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors each year who come to marvel at its grandeur and historical significance.',
is_truncated: false,
need_clear_history: false,
usage: { prompt_tokens: 34, completion_tokens: 474, total_tokens: 508 }
import os
import qianfan
# 替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
os.environ["QIANFAN_ACCESS_KEY"] = "your_iam_ak"
os.environ["QIANFAN_SECRET_KEY"] = "your_iam_sk"
chat_comp = qianfan.ChatCompletion()
resp = chat_comp.do(model="Llama-2-13b-chat", messages=[{
"role": "user",
"content": "hi"
}], stream=True)
for r in resp:
package main
import (
func main() {
// 使用安全认证AK/SK鉴权,通过环境变量初始化;替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
os.Setenv("QIANFAN_ACCESS_KEY", "your_iam_ak")
os.Setenv("QIANFAN_SECRET_KEY", "your_iam_sk")
chat := qianfan.NewChatCompletion(
resp, _ := chat.Stream( // Stream 启用流式返回,参数与 Do 相同
Messages: []qianfan.ChatCompletionMessage{
for {
r, err := resp.Recv()
if err != nil {
if resp.IsEnd { // 判断是否结束
import com.baidubce.qianfan.Qianfan;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Gson gson = new Gson();
// 使用安全认证AK/SK鉴权,替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
Qianfan qianfan = new Qianfan("your_iam_ak", "your_iam_sk");
.addMessage("user", "hi")
// 启用流式返回
.forEachRemaining(chunk -> System.out.print(gson.toJson(chunk)));
import {ChatCompletion, setEnvVariable} from "@baiducloud/qianfan";
// 使用安全认证AK/SK鉴权,通过环境变量初始化;替换下列示例中参数,安全认证Access Key替换your_iam_ak,Secret Key替换your_iam_sk
const client = new ChatCompletion();
async function main() {
const resp = await client.chat({
messages: [
role: 'user',
content: 'hi',
stream: true, //启用流式返回
}, 'Llama-2-13b-chat');
for await (const chunk of resp) {
{'id': 'as-xs2v0tmhbj', 'object': 'chat.completion', 'created': 1719048136, 'sentence_id': 0, 'is_end': False, 'is_truncated': False, 'result': " Hello! It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with ", 'need_clear_history': False, 'usage': {'prompt_tokens': 1, 'completion_tokens': 0, 'total_tokens': 1}}
{'id': 'as-xs2v0tmhbj', 'object': 'chat.completion', 'created': 1719048136, 'sentence_id': 1, 'is_end': True, 'is_truncated': False, 'result': 'or would you like to chat for a bit?', 'need_clear_history': False, 'usage': {'prompt_tokens': 1, 'completion_tokens': 29, 'total_tokens': 30}}
Hello! It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with
or would you like to chat for a bit?
{"sentenceId":0,"isEnd":false,"isTruncated":false,"result":" Hello! It\u0027s nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with ","needClearHistory":false,"usage":{"promptTokens":1,"completionTokens":0,"totalTokens":1},"id":"as-mp0kmpjtpg","object":"chat.completion","created":1719050100,"headers":{...}}
{"sentenceId":1,"isEnd":true,"isTruncated":false,"result":"or would you like to chat for a bit?","needClearHistory":false,"usage":{"promptTokens":1,"completionTokens":29,"totalTokens":30},"id":"as-mp0kmpjtpg","object":"chat.completion","created":1719050101,"headers":{...}}
headers: {...},
id: 'as-tq2bg16sg2',
object: 'chat.completion',
created: 1719050184,
sentence_id: 0,
is_end: false,
is_truncated: false,
result: " Hello! It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with ",
need_clear_history: false,
usage: { prompt_tokens: 1, completion_tokens: 0, total_tokens: 1 }
headers: {...},
id: 'as-tq2bg16sg2',
object: 'chat.completion',
created: 1719050185,
sentence_id: 1,
is_end: true,
is_truncated: false,
result: 'or would you like to chat for a bit?',
need_clear_history: false,
usage: { prompt_tokens: 1, completion_tokens: 29, total_tokens: 30 }
注意:以下为Python SDK参数说明,其他SDK参数相关说明请参考Go SDK-对话Chat参数相关说明、Java SDK参数相关说明、Node.js SDK参数相关说明。
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
messages | List[dict] | 是 | 聊天上下文信息。说明: (1)messages成员不能为空,1个成员表示单轮对话,多个成员表示多轮对话 (2)最后一个message为当前请求的信息,前面的message为历史对话信息 (3)必须为奇数个成员,成员中message的role必须依次为user、assistant (4)message中的content总长度不能超过4800个字符 |
model | string | 否 | 模型名称,用于指定平台支持预置服务的模型,说明: (1)如果调用预置服务,即调用本文API,该字段必填,且为固定值Llama-2-13b-chat (2)如果指定用户自行发布的模型服务,该字段不填写,需填写endpoint字段,详见参数endpoint说明 |
endpoint | string | 否 | 用于指定用户自行发布的模型服务,说明: (1)如果指定用户自行发布的模型服务,endpoint字段为必填 (2)该字段值可以通过查看服务地址获取:打开模型服务-模型推理-我的服务页面,选择创建的服务-点击详情页查看服务地址,endpoint值为 https://aip.baidubce.com/rpc/2.0/ai_custom/v1/wenxinworkshop/chat/ 后面的地址,如下图所示(3)注意:在创建服务页面,选择模型后,API地址会自动新增个后缀。例如选择某模型,输入API地址为“test1”,endpoint的取值即为“ngxxxol8_test1”,如下图所示,如何发布服务请参考发布平台预置的模型服务 |
temperature | float | 否 | 说明: (1)较高的数值会使输出更加随机,而较低的数值会使其更加集中和确定 (2) 范围(0, 1.0],不能为0 |
top_k | float | 否 | Top-K 采样参数,在每轮token生成时,保留k个概率最高的token作为候选。说明: (1)影响输出文本的多样性,取值越大,生成文本的多样性越强 (2)取值范围:正整数 |
top_p | float | 否 | 说明: (1)影响输出文本的多样性,取值越大,生成文本的多样性越强 (2)取值范围 [0, 1.0] |
penalty_score | float | 否 | 通过对已生成的token增加惩罚,减少重复生成的现象。说明: (1)值越大表示惩罚越大 (2)取值范围:[1.0, 2.0] |
stream | bool | 否 | 是否以流式接口的形式返回数据,默认False · True:是,以流式接口的形式返回数据 · False:否 |
retry_count | int | 否 | 重试次数,默认1次 |
request_timeout | float | 否 | 请求超时时间,默认60秒 |
backoff_factor | float | 否 | 请求重试参数,用于指定重试的策略,默认为0 |
stop | List[string] | 否 | 生成停止标识。当模型生成结果以stop中某个元素结尾时,停止文本生成。说明: (1)每个元素长度不超过20字符 (2)最多4个元素 |
user_id | string | 否 | 表示最终用户的唯一标识符 |
名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
role | string | 当前支持以下: user: 表示用户 assistant: 表示对话助手 |
content | string | 对话内容,不能为空 |
名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
id | string | 本轮对话的id |
object | string | 回包类型。 chat.completion:多轮对话返回 |
created | int | 时间戳 |
sentence_id | int | 表示当前子句的序号。只有在流式接口模式下会返回该字段 |
is_end | bool | 表示当前子句是否是最后一句。只有在流式接口模式下会返回该字段 |
is_truncated | bool | 当前生成的结果是否被截断 |
result | string | 对话返回结果 |
need_clear_history | bool | 表示用户输入是否存在安全,是否关闭当前会话,清理历史会话信息 True:是,表示用户输入存在安全风险,建议关闭当前会话,清理历史会话信息 False:否,表示用户输入无安全风险 |
ban_round | int | 当need_clear_history为True时,此字段会告知第几轮对话有敏感信息,如果是当前问题,ban_round=-1 |
usage | usage | token统计信息 |
名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
prompt_tokens | int | 问题tokens数 |
completion_tokens | int | 回答tokens数 |
total_tokens | int | tokens总数 |
- 基本信息
请求地址: https://aip.baidubce.com/rpc/2.0/ai_custom/v1/wenxinworkshop/chat/llama_2_13b
请求方式: POST
- Header参数
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
Content-Type | string | 是 | 固定值application/json |
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
Content-Type | string | 是 | 固定值application/json |
x-bce-date | string | 否 | 当前时间,遵循ISO8601规范,格式如2016-04-06T08:23:49Z |
Authorization | string | 是 | 用于验证请求合法性的认证信息,更多内容请参考鉴权认证机制,签名工具可参考IAM签名工具 |
- Query参数
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
access_token | string | 是 | 通过API Key和Secret Key获取的access_token,参考Access Token获取 |
- Body参数
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
messages | List(message) | 是 | 聊天上下文信息。说明: (1)messages成员不能为空,1个成员表示单轮对话,多个成员表示多轮对话 (2)最后一个message为当前请求的信息,前面的message为历史对话信息 (3)必须为奇数个成员,成员中message的role必须依次为user、assistant (4)message中的content总长度不能超过4800个字符 |
stream | bool | 否 | 是否以流式接口的形式返回数据,默认false |
temperature | float | 否 | 说明: (1)较高的数值会使输出更加随机,而较低的数值会使其更加集中和确定 (2)范围 (0, 1.0],不能为0 |
top_k | int | 否 | Top-K 采样参数,在每轮token生成时,保留k个概率最高的token作为候选。说明: (1)影响输出文本的多样性,取值越大,生成文本的多样性越强 (2)取值范围:正整数 |
top_p | float | 否 | 说明: (1)影响输出文本的多样性,取值越大,生成文本的多样性越强 (2)取值范围 [0, 1.0] |
penalty_score | float | 否 | 通过对已生成的token增加惩罚,减少重复生成的现象。说明: (1)值越大表示惩罚越大 (2)取值范围:[1.0, 2.0] |
stop | List(String) | 否 | 生成停止标识。当模型生成结果以stop中某个元素结尾时,停止文本生成。说明: (1)每个元素长度不超过20字符。 (2)最多4个元素 |
user_id | string | 否 | 表示最终用户的唯一标识符 |
名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
role | string | 当前支持以下: user: 表示用户 assistant: 表示对话助手 |
content | string | 对话内容,不能为空 |
名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
id | string | 本轮对话的id |
object | string | 回包类型。 chat.completion:多轮对话返回 |
created | int | 时间戳 |
sentence_id | int | 表示当前子句的序号。只有在流式接口模式下会返回该字段 |
is_end | bool | 表示当前子句是否是最后一句。只有在流式接口模式下会返回该字段 |
is_truncated | bool | 当前生成的结果是否被截断 |
result | string | 对话返回结果 |
need_clear_history | bool | 表示用户输入是否存在安全,是否关闭当前会话,清理历史会话信息 true:是,表示用户输入存在安全风险,建议关闭当前会话,清理历史会话信息 false:否,表示用户输入无安全风险 |
ban_round | int | 当need_clear_history为true时,此字段会告知第几轮对话有敏感信息,如果是当前问题,ban_round=-1 |
usage | usage | token统计信息 |
名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
prompt_tokens | int | 问题tokens数 |
completion_tokens | int | 回答tokens数 |
total_tokens | int | tokens总数 |
注意 :同步模式和流式模式,响应参数返回不同,详细内容参考示例描述。
- 同步模式下,响应参数为以上字段的完整json包。
- 流式模式下,各字段的响应参数为 data: {响应参数}。
# 步骤一,获取access_token,替换下列示例中的应用API Key与应用Secret Key
curl 'https://aip.baidubce.com/oauth/2.0/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=[应用API Key]&client_secret=[应用Secret Key]'
# 步骤二,调用本文API,使用步骤一获取的access_token,替换下列示例中的“调用接口获取的access_token”
curl -XPOST 'https://aip.baidubce.com/rpc/2.0/ai_custom/v1/wenxinworkshop/chat/llama_2_13b?access_token=[步骤一调用接口获取的access_token]' -d '{
"messages": [
{"role":"user","content":"Please introduce yourself"}
}' | iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8
import requests
import json
def get_access_token():
使用 API Key,Secret Key 获取access_token,替换下列示例中的应用API Key、应用Secret Key
url = "https://aip.baidubce.com/oauth/2.0/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=[应用API Key]&client_secret=[应用Secret Key]"
payload = json.dumps("")
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
return response.json().get("access_token")
def main():
url = "https://aip.baidubce.com/rpc/2.0/ai_custom/v1/wenxinworkshop/chat/llama_2_13b?access_token=" + get_access_token()
payload = json.dumps({
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "Please introduce yourself"
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
if __name__ == '__main__':
"id": "as-1nvg2aki0t",
"object": "chat.completion",
"created": 1693290309,
"result": " Hello! My name is LLaMA, I'm a helpful, respectful, and honest assistant. I'm here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. My purpose is to provide accurate and helpful information, while ensuring a safe and positive interaction. I strive to be socially unbiased and avoid any harmful, unethical, racist, sexist, toxic, dangerous, or illegal content. If a question does not make sense or is not factually coherent, I will explain why instead of providing an incorrect answer. If I don't know the answer to a question, I will not provide false information. Please feel free to ask me anything!",
"is_truncated": false,
"need_clear_history": false,
"usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 3,
"completion_tokens": 137,
"total_tokens": 140
# 步骤一,获取access_token,替换下列示例中的应用API Key与应用Secret Key
curl 'https://aip.baidubce.com/oauth/2.0/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=[应用API Key]&client_secret=[应用Secret Key]'
# 步骤二,调用本文API,使用步骤一获取的access_token,替换下列示例中的“调用接口获取的access_token”
curl -XPOST 'https://aip.baidubce.com/rpc/2.0/ai_custom/v1/wenxinworkshop/chat/llama_2_13b?access_token=[步骤一调用接口获取的access_token]' -d '{
"messages": [
{"role":"user","content":"Please introduce yourself"},
{"role":"assistant","content":"Hello! My name is LLaMA, I\\’m a helpful, respectful, and honest assistant. I\\’m here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. My purpose is to provide accurate and helpful information, while ensuring a safe and positive interaction. I strive to be socially unbiased and avoid any harmful, unethical, racist, sexist, toxic, dangerous, or illegal content. If a question does not make sense or is not factually coherent, I will explain why instead of providing an incorrect answer. If I don\\’t know the answer to a question, I will not provide false information. Please feel free to ask me anything!"},
{"role":"user","content": "How about the weather in Shanghai"}
}' | iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8
import requests
import json
def get_access_token():
使用 API Key,Secret Key 获取access_token,替换下列示例中的应用API Key、应用Secret Key
url = "https://aip.baidubce.com/oauth/2.0/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=[应用API Key]&client_secret=[应用Secret Key]"
payload = json.dumps("")
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
return response.json().get("access_token")
def main():
url = "https://aip.baidubce.com/rpc/2.0/ai_custom/v1/wenxinworkshop/chat/llama_2_13b?access_token=" + get_access_token()
payload = json.dumps({
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "Please introduce yourself"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "Hello! My name is LLaMA, I'm a helpful, respectful, and honest assistant. I'm here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. My purpose is to provide accurate and helpful information, while ensuring a safe and positive interaction. I strive to be socially unbiased and avoid any harmful, unethical, racist, sexist, toxic, dangerous, or illegal content. If a question does not make sense or is not factually coherent, I will explain why instead of providing an incorrect answer. If I don't know the answer to a question, I will not provide false information. Please feel free to ask me anything!"
"role": "user",
"content": "How about the weather in Shanghai"
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
if __name__ == '__main__':
"id": "as-hn4futxccq",
"object": "chat.completion",
"created": 1693290436,
"result": " Sure, I can help you with that! Shanghai is a city located in eastern China, and its weather is influenced by its coastal position and subtropical maritime climate. Here's what you can expect:\n\n1. Seasonal weather: Shanghai has four distinct seasons, with hot and humid summers, and cold and dry winters. The best time to visit Shanghai is in the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November), when the weather is mild and comfortable.\n2. Temperature: The average temperature in Shanghai ranges from 2°C (36°F) in January (the coldest month) to 28°C (82°F) in July (the hottest month).\n3. Humidity: Shanghai is known for its high humidity, especially during the summer months. The average relative humidity is around 60-70%, but it can feel much higher due to the heat and moisture in the air.\n4. Sunshine: Shanghai experiences a significant amount of sunshine throughout the year, with an average of 1,900 hours of sunshine per year.\n5. Rainfall: Shanghai receives most of its rainfall during the summer months, with an average of 10-15 rainy days per month from June to August.\n6. Typhoons: Shanghai is susceptible to typhoons, which are tropical cyclones that form in the Pacific Ocean and can bring strong winds, heavy rainfall, and flooding to the city. The typhoon season in Shanghai typically runs from June to September.\n\nOverall, the weather in Shanghai can be quite hot and humid during the summer months, and cold and dry during the winter months. It's important to pack accordingly and be prepared for the season you're visiting in.",
"is_truncated": false,
"need_clear_history": false,
"usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 147,
"completion_tokens": 345,
"total_tokens": 492
# 步骤一,获取access_token,替换下列示例中的应用API Key与应用Secret Key
curl 'https://aip.baidubce.com/oauth/2.0/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=[应用API Key]&client_secret=[应用Secret Key]'
# 步骤二,调用本文API,使用步骤一获取的access_token,替换下列示例中的“调用接口获取的access_token”
curl -XPOST 'https://aip.baidubce.com/rpc/2.0/ai_custom/v1/wenxinworkshop/chat/llama_2_13b?access_token=[步骤一调用接口获取的access_token]' -d '{
"messages": [
{"role":"user", "content": "推荐几条中国自驾游路线"}
"stream": true
import requests
import json
def get_access_token():
使用 API Key,Secret Key 获取access_token,替换下列示例中的应用API Key、应用Secret Key
url = "https://aip.baidubce.com/oauth/2.0/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=[应用API Key]&client_secret=[应用Secret Key]"
payload = json.dumps("")
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
return response.json().get("access_token")
def main():
url = "https://aip.baidubce.com/rpc/2.0/ai_custom/v1/wenxinworkshop/chat/llama_2_13b?access_token=" + get_access_token()
payload = json.dumps({
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "推荐几条中国自驾游路线"
"stream": True
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, stream=True)
for line in response.iter_lines():
if __name__ == '__main__':
data: {"id":"as-wyjuy3n4vb","object":"chat.completion","created":1693290799,"sentence_id":0,"is_end":false,"is_truncated":false,"result":" Hello! As a helpful and respectful assistant, I\'d be happy to recommend some Chinese self-driving tour routes for you!\\n\\nBefore I begin, I just want to clarify that it\'s important to always prioritize safety when traveling, especially when driving. It\'s essential to follow all local traffic laws and regulations, and to be mindful of your own and others\' well-being on the road.\\n\\nWith that said, ","need_clear_history":false,"usage":{"prompt_tokens":11,"completion_tokens":91,"total_tokens":102}}
data: {"id":"as-wyjuy3n4vb","object":"chat.completion","created":1693290801,"sentence_id":1,"is_end":false,"is_truncated":false,"result":"here are some popular Chinese self-driving tour routes that you may consider:\\n\\n1. The Golden Route: This route takes you through some of China\'s most iconic destinations, including Beijing, Xi\'an, Lhasa, and Shanghai. You\'ll have the opportunity to explore the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and the Potala Palace, among other famous landmarks.\\n2. The Yellow Mountains Route: This route takes you through the stunning Yellow ","need_clear_history":false,"usage":{"prompt_tokens":11,"completion_tokens":91,"total_tokens":193}}
data: {"id":"as-wyjuy3n4vb","object":"chat.completion","created":1693290803,"sentence_id":2,"is_end":false,"is_truncated":false,"result":"Mountains in Anhui Province, known for their breathtaking scenery and unique rock formations. You\'ll have the chance to hike, bike, and take in the natural beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.\\n3. The Silk Road Route: This route takes you through the ancient Silk Road, which connects China with Central Asia and the Middle East. You\'ll have the opportunity to explore historic sites like ","need_clear_history":false,"usage":{"prompt_tokens":11,"completion_tokens":87,"total_tokens":280}}
data: {"id":"as-wyjuy3n4vb","object":"chat.completion","created":1693290806,"sentence_id":3,"is_end":false,"is_truncated":false,"result":"the Terracotta Warriors in Xi\'an, the ancient city of Loulan in Xinjiang, and the majestic Karakoram Highway.\\n4. The Tibetan Plateau Route: This route takes you through the breathtaking landscapes of the Tibetan Plateau, including the Nyingchi Prefecture and the Mount Kailash region. You\'ll have the chance to experience the unique culture and stunning natural beauty of this remote and sacred region.\\n5. The Coastal Route: ","need_clear_history":false,"usage":{"prompt_tokens":11,"completion_tokens":88,"total_tokens":368}}
data: {"id":"as-wyjuy3n4vb","object":"chat.completion","created":1693290808,"sentence_id":4,"is_end":false,"is_truncated":false,"result":"This route takes you along China\'s stunning coastline, including the cities of Qingdao, Tianjin, and Shanghai. You\'ll have the opportunity to explore historic sites like the Great Wall, enjoy delicious seafood, and take in the vibrant city life of these bustling coastal cities.\\n\\nThese are just a few examples of the many Chinese self-driving tour routes available. Before embarking on your journey, I recommend doing ","need_clear_history":false,"usage":{"prompt_tokens":11,"completion_tokens":88,"total_tokens":456}}
data: {"id":"as-wyjuy3n4vb","object":"chat.completion","created":1693290810,"sentence_id":5,"is_end":true,"is_truncated":false,"result":"thorough research on the routes and destinations that interest you, and planning your itinerary accordingly. Additionally, be sure to check the current travel advisories and local health and safety guidelines before traveling.\\n\\nI hope this information is helpful in planning your Chinese self-driving tour! If you have any further questions or need more information, please don\'t hesitate to ask.","need_clear_history":false,"usage":{"prompt_tokens":11,"completion_tokens":79,"total_tokens":535}}
名称 | 描述 |
error_code | 错误码 |
error_msg | 错误描述信息,帮助理解和解决发生的错误 |
例如Access Token失效返回以下内容,需要重新获取新的Access Token再次请求。
"error_code": 110,
"error_msg": "Access token invalid or no longer valid"