错误信息除了HTTP状态码以外,应同时在HTTP body中包含下表的参数,内容如下:
参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
requestId | String | 导致该错误的requestId |
code | String | 表示具体错误类型 |
message | String | 有关该错误的详细说明 |
"message":"The requested url belongs to domain which is not under acceleration",
"requestId":" 81d0b05f-5ad4-1f22-8068-d5c9de60a1d7"
错误码 | 消息 | HTTP状态码 | 语义 |
AccessDenied | Access denied. | 403 Forbidden | 无权限访问对应的资源。 |
InappropriateJSON | The JSON you provided was well-formed and valid, but not appropriate for this operation. | 400 Bad Request | 请求中的JSON格式正确,但语义上不符合要求。如缺少某个必需项,或者值类型不匹配等。出于兼容性考虑,对于所有无法识别的项应直接忽略,不应该返回这个错误。 |
InternalError | We encountered an internal error. Please try again. | 500Internal Server Error | 所有未定义的其他错误。在有明确对应的其他类型的错误时(包括通用的和服务自定义的)不应该使用。 |
InvalidAccessKeyId | The Access Key ID you provided does not exist in our records. | 403 Forbidden | Access Key ID不存在。 |
InvalidHTTPAuthHeader | The HTTP authorization header is invalid. Consult the service documentation for details. | 400 Bad Request | Authorization头域格式错误。 |
InvalidHTTPRequest | There was an error in the body of your HTTP request. | 400 Bad Request | HTTP body格式错误。例如不符合指定的Encoding等。 |
InvalidURI | Could not parse the specified URI. | 400 Bad Request | URI形式不正确。例如一些服务定义的关键词不匹配等。对于ID不匹配等问题,应定义更加具体的错误码,例如NoSuchKey。 |
MalformedJSON | The JSON you provided was not well-formed. | 400 Bad Request | JSON格式不合法。 |
InvalidVersion | The API version specified was invalid. | 404 Not Found | URI的版本号不合法。 |
OptInRequired | A subscription for the service is required. | 403 Forbidden | 没有开通对应的服务。 |
PreconditionFailed | The specified If-Match header doesn't match the ETag header. | 412 Precondition Failed | 详见ETag。 |
RequestExpired | Request has expired. Timestamp date is XXX. | 400 Bad Request | 请求超时。XXX要改成x-bce-date的值。如果请求中只有Date,则需要将Date转换为datetime。 |
IdempotentParameterMismatch | The request uses the same client token as a previous, but non-identical request. | 403 Forbidden | clientToken对应的API参数不一样。 |
SignatureDoesNotMatch | The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details. | 400 Bad Request | Authorization头域中附带的签名和服务端验证不一致。 |
错误码 | 消息 | HTTP状态码 | 语义 |
WrongNetworkType | wrong network type | 400 Bad Request | 错误的网络类型 |
IllegalArguments | illegal arguments, check your input | 400 Bad Request | 参数错误 |
NetworkNotExist | network not exist | 404 Not Found | 网络不存在 |
OperationFailed | network is in status: {}, operation failed | 403 Forbidden | 网络处于禁止删除的状态 |
IllegalSubServiceType | illegal subServiceType | 400 Bad Request | 不合法的配置类型 |
IllegalNodeNum | nodeNum must be a multiple of logical zone size | 400 Bad Request | 不合法的节点数 |
LogicalZoneNotExist | logical zone is not exist | 400 Bad Request | 可用区不存在 |
JoinFailed | consortium member is not running | 400 Bad Request | 联盟其他成员操作中,当前不可加入 |
ChargeStopped | request forbidden | 400 Bad Request | 用户欠费,禁止操作 |
ErrEndorsementPolicy | ErrEndorsementPolicy | 400 Bad Request | 背书策略错误 |
ErrCCConflict | ErrCCConflict | 400 Bad Request | 链码版本冲突 |
ErrCCContent | ErrCCContent | 400 Bad Request | 链码内容错误 |
ErrCCFileTimeOut | ErrCCFileTimeOut | 400 Bad Request | 链码文件超时 |
ErrCCName | ErrCCName | 400 Bad Request | 链码文件名称不合法 |