http code | message | 解释 |
200 | Success | Success |
500 | InternalError | We encountered an internal error. Please try again. |
400 | NumExceed | |
403 | AuthFail | |
403 | AccessDenied | Access denied |
400 | MasterKeyNumExceed | You have attempted to create more master keys than allowed. |
400 | InvalidPlaintext | The plaintext you provided is invalid. |
404 | NoSuchMasterKey | The specified master key does not exist. |
400 | DataKeyNumExceed | |
400 | RequestParamentError | |
400 | InvalidDescription | The specified description is invalid. |
400 | InvalidDataKeyLength | The specified length of data key is invalid. |
400 | InvalidDataKeyNum | |
400 | DataKeyLengthExceed | The specified length of data key exceeds the limit. |
400 | NotImplemented | The API has not been implemented yet. |
400 | NotSupported | |
400 | InvalidCiphertext | The specified ciphertext is invalid. |
400 | InvalidMasterKeyId | The specified master key id is invalid. |
400 | MissingMasterKeyId | You must provide the master key id. |
400 | PlaintextLengthExceed | The length of plaintext exceeds the limit. |
400 | MissingPlaintext | You must provide the plaintext. |
400 | InvalidKeyUsage | The specified keyUsage is invalid. |
400 | InvalidPendingWindowInDays | The specified pending windows in days is invalid. |
400 | InvalidListKeysLimit | The specified limit of list keys is invalid. |
400 | MissingCiphertext | You must provide the ciphertext |
400 | MissingNumberOfBytes | You must provide the numberOfBytes |
400 | InvalidKeySpec | The specified keySpec is invalid |
400 | InvalidNumberOfBytes | The specified numberOfBytes is invalid |
429 | Throttling | The rate of your request exceed limit |
400 | InvalidState | The state of the specified key is invalid for your request |
403 | SignatureDoesNotMatch | The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details. |
400 | MalformedJson | The JSON you provided was not well-formed. |
400 | InvalidHttpAuthHeader | The HTTP authorization header is invalid. Consult the service documentation for details. |
400 | MissingHttpAuthHeader | You must provide the authorization header. |
403 | RequestExpired | Request has expired |
403 | InvalidAccessKeyId | The Access Key ID you provided does not exist in our records. |
400 | InvalidJson | The json is malformed or does not meet the requirements |
400 | InvalidMarker | The marker you provided is invalid |
400 | InvalidAction | The specified action is not supported. |
404 | NoSuchOrderId | The specified order id does not exist. |
400 | unactivated | The account has not activated the kms service. |
400 | chargeOverDue | This account charge is overdue. |
404 | NoSuchAccountId | The account id does not exist. |
404 | ResourceNoPermission | You do not have permission to this resource. |
520 | UnknowError |