http code | message | 解释 |
200 | Success | Success |
500 | InternalError | We encountered an internal error. Please try again. |
403 | AuthFail | |
403 | AccessDenied | Access denied |
400 | InvalidHttpAuthHeader | The HTTP authorization header is invalid. Consult the service documentation for details. |
400 | MissingHttpAuthHeader | You must provide the authorization header. |
403 | RequestExpired | Request has expired |
400 | InvalidJson | 无效的json数据 |
400 | unactivated | 账号未激活kms服务 |
400 | chargeOverDue | 该账号欠费 |
400 | IllegalHttpMethodOrPath | 非法的方法或path |
400 | ExceedMessageLength | 消息超过长度限制 |
400 | NoAdminAccount | 没有特权账户 |
400 | AccountAlreadyExists | 账户已被托管 |
400 | CreateAccountFailed | 创建rds账户失败 |
400 | AccountNameInvalid | rds账户名称无效,与自有参数同名 |
400 | IllegalSecretName | 非法凭据名称,不符合规范 |
400 | IllegalSecretVersion | 非法凭据版本,不符合规范 |
400 | IllegalRdsAccount | 非法rds账户名称,不符合规范 |
400 | IllegalRdsPassword | 非法rds密码,不符合规范 |
400 | IllegalBccAccount | 非法bcc账户名称,不符合规范 |
400 | IllegalBccPassword | 非法bcc密码,不符合规范 |
400 | AccountNotBothNonExists | 托管rds账号一个已存在一个不存在 |
400 | IllegalSecretType | 非法凭据类型 |
400 | IllegalSecretStatus | 非法凭据状态 |
400 | AccountCannotRoatate | 账号无法轮转 |
520 | UnknowError |