- 在调用API的时候,需要拼接签名字符串,现在鉴权方式是APP鉴权,需要用到AppKey、AppSecret进行签名计算。
- 将签名后的字符串X-Bce-Signature放入请求的header中,网关会通过对称计算签名来验证请求者的身份。
- 根据不同的鉴权方式,请求的Header中传入对应计算后的签名,将入参信息按照请求签名说明生成签名字符串,这样才能请求验证通过。
请求头 |
参数说明 |
X-Bce-Signature |
签名字符串,具体参照签名校验文档 |
X-Bce-Stage |
API发布环境,在当前环境发布了的API才能调用通过,目前取值为release,pre-online,test,不传默认release |
Host |
default.gateway.com |
ContentType |
application/json |
2. 签名校验
编号 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
描述 |
HTTP状态码 |
1 |
EmptySignature |
Signature is empty |
签名为空 |
400 |
2 |
SignatureFormatInvalid |
Signature is invalid: invalid signature format. |
签名格式错误 |
400 |
3 |
SignatureAppInvalid |
Signature is invalid: app key is invalid. |
APP key不存在 |
400 |
4 |
RequestTimeTooSkewed |
The difference between the request time and the server's time is too large. |
客户端时间与服务器时间相差过多 |
403 |
5 |
SignatureTimestampInvalid |
Signature is invalid: timestamp is expired. |
签名过期 |
400 |
6 |
SignatureTimestampExpired |
Signature is invalid: signature is mismatched. |
签名值不匹配 |
400 |
7 |
SignatureMismatch |
Signature is invalid: timestamp is invalid. |
时间戳格式错误 |
400 |
- 普通APP鉴权
POST /app/1 HTTP/1.1
X-Bce-Signature: bce-auth-v1/359117df989c4a3db52289bbb8d286fb/2018-12-06T03:05:00Z/1800/content-type;host/4f2408c97f217f1a28b3771c816843656ede2e968ac1f912711560da7f31dafd
Host: default1.gateway-mock.com
Content-Type: application/json
- 云市场APP鉴权
POST /app/1 HTTP/1.1
X-Bce-Signature: AppCode/9ae2bf211459430e9cee594ff1d2a325
Host: default1.gateway-mock.com
Content-Type: application/json