p 不配置该环境变量时,带宽统计日志默认打印到 stdout BCCL_TRACE_HANG_ENABLE=1 - TraceHang 功能开关:任务 hang 时,通过下述方法触发 traceHang 日志信息打印:find /var/run/ -type s -name bccl socket * -exec sh -c 'echo TraceHang | nc -U {}' \; -
Loading model from cache /var/folders/3g/cvyfl_zn12df2m4_1tj7mhdw0000gn/T/jieba.cache Loading model cost 0.282 seconds. Prefix dict has been built successfully.
190506 15 : 08 : 17 mysqld_safe Logging to '/home/idl-face/databus5535/log/mysql.err' . 3. 190506 15 : 08 : 17 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from / home / idl - 4. face / databus5535 / var
token ; $img = file_get_contents ( '[本地文件路径]' ) ; $img = base64_encode ( $img ) ; $bodys = array ( 'image' = > $img ) ; $res = request_post ( $url , $bodys ) ; var_dump ( $res ) ; package com.baidu.ai.aip
H 'Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded' "1,1,719,1,719,719,1,719", 'case_id' => 1, 'case_init' => "false", 'image' => \$img ); \$res = request_post(\$url, \$bodys); var_dump
FieldType String 字段类型,当前支持如下类型: BOOL INT8 UINT8 INT16 UINT16 INT32 UINT32 INT64 UINT64 FLOAT DOUBLE DATE DATETIME TIMESTAMP UUID STRING BINARY FLOAT_VECTOR 各数据类型的详细定义和约束请参见“产品介绍”目录的“数据类型”页面。
相关配置: BlockBasedTableOptions::data_block_index_type = DataBlockIndexType::kDataBlockBinaryAndHash BlockBasedTableOptions::data_block_hash_table_util_ratio = 0.75 // 如果此值小的话,说明 Hash 桶多,冲突就比较小。
WriteLine ( result ) ; return result ; } } } var https = require ( 'https' ) ; var qs = require ( 'querystring' ) ; const param = qs . stringify ( { 'grant_type' : 'client_credentials' , 'client_id' :
x-www-form-urlencoded' "1,1,719,1,719,719,1,719", 'case_id' => 1, 'case_init' => "false", 'dynamic' => "true", 'image' => \$img ); \$res = request_post(\$url, \$bodys); var_dump
token ; $img = file_get_contents ( '[本地文件路径]' ) ; $img = base64_encode ( $img ) ; $bodys = array ( 'image' = > $img ) ; $res = request_post ( $url , $bodys ) ; var_dump ( $res ) ; using System ; using