Password is required if username is set. # 身份验证的细节。如果设置了用户名,则需要密码。 # 没有设置可保持空值 username : '' password : '' # Sets the output compression codec. Must be one of none, snappy and gzip.
39;、波浪线'~'、减号'-'以及下划线'_' # 以外都要编码 RESERVED_CHAR_SET = set(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '.~-_') def get_normalized_char(i): char = chr(i) if char in RESERVED_CHAR_SET
model_instance , output_path ) logging . info ( Save model to %s % output_path ) return output_path def predict ( model_path , X_test ) : :param model_path: :param X_test: dataframe, should not contain
336201 unknown task id 未知的任务id 336202 invalid param: 'param_name' 请求参数'param_name'的参数值不合法 336203 missing param: 'param_name' 请求参数'param_name'缺失 336206 invalid base64 加图操作:错误的base64图片编码 336207 failed loading
运行结果(可能每次的过程不完全相同): Answer the following questions as best you can.
载入 LLM 和 SamplingParams from vllm import LLM , SamplingParams # 推理数据以List[str]格式组织 prompts = [ Hello, my name is , The president of the United States is , The capital of France is , The future
height int 否 RequestBody参数 签章高度,传参仅作为辅助前端开发时定位使用。 width int 否 RequestBody参数 签章宽度,传参仅作为辅助前端开发时定位使用。 x int 否 RequestBody参数 左下角为原点,横坐标像素值,,传参仅作为辅助前端开发时定位使用。
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fs.s3a.block.size </ name > < value > 134217728 </ value > </ property > < property > < name > </ name > < value > User-Agent: APN/1.0 Hortonworks/
fs.s3a.block.size </ name > < value > 134217728 </ value > </ property > < property > < name > </ name > < value > User-Agent: APN/1.0 Hortonworks/