fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to open file \"%s\"\n", post_data_filename); return -1; } if (fstat(fileno(fp), &stbuf) || !
from conf import Conf # qianfan.AccessKey(Conf.AccessKey) # qianfan.SecretKey(Conf.SecretKey) qianfan.config.get_config().ACCESS_KEY = Conf.AccessKey //get_config()解决方法 qianfan.config.get_config().SECRET_KEY
运行二进制时提示 libopencv_videoio.so.4.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 同上面8的问题类似,没有正确设置动态库的查找路径,可通过设置LD_LIBRARY_PATH为sdk的thirdparty/opencv/lib文件夹解决 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH
如果您需要在BCI实例中访问集群中ClusterIP, 您需要在Pod Spec Yaml中添加如下Annotation,用于开启功能: bci.virtual-kubelet.io/kube-proxy-enabled: true Annotation 请添加在Pod的metadata下,例如:创建Deployment时,Annotation需添加在spec>template>metadata下。
场景加载结束 func panoViewLoadTileFailed(_ view: PanoView, error: Error?)
Properties properties = new Properties ( ) ; File file = new File ( path ) ; try { if ( file . exists ( ) ) { // 如果通过用户指定的path路径找到了kafka.properties文件,则加载kafka.properties中的配置项 properties . load ( new FileInputStream
Properties properties = new Properties ( ) ; File file = new File ( path ) ; try { if ( file . exists ( ) ) { // 如果通过用户指定的path路径找到了kafka.properties文件,则加载kafka.properties中的配置项 properties . load ( new FileInputStream
10) 功能未授权 LICENSE_TIME_EXPIRED(11) 授权已过期 LICENSE_LOCAL_FILE_ERROR(12) 本地文件读取失败 LICENSE_REMOTE_DATA_ERROR(13) 远程数据拉取失败 LICENSE_LOCAL_TIME_ERROR(14) 本地时间校验错误 OTHER_ERROR(other) 其他错误 5、人脸配置 设置配置参数,如不设置,将使用默认值
rtmp连接过程出错 int ErrorCodeConnectToServerFailed = -10000; // 创建rtmp推流通道出错 int ErrorCodePulishStreamFailed = -20000; //Disconnect过程中出错 int ErrorCodeDisconnectFromServerFailed = -30000; // 推流过程中,遇到未知错误导致推流失败
model , output_dir ) : save model with joblib format import joblib joblib . dump ( model , output_dir + '/clf.pkl' ) def evaluate ( model , x_test , y_test ) : evaluate # 回归mean_squared_error