name can no longer contain capital letters  内容精选
name can no longer contain capital letters  更多内容
  • 人体检测与属性识别_人体检测识别-百度AI开放平台

    name : 无下方截断 }, cellphone : { score : 0.9999989867210388 , name : 看手机 }, carrying_item : { score : 0.9861822128295898 , name : 无手提物 }, age : { score : 0.9811107516288757 , name


  • iOCR财会版

    min : 0.9375267029 } , word_name : DetailsOfTax#1#CommodityTax , word : 20.38 } , { word_name : DetailsOfTax#1#CommodityPlateNum , word : } , { word_name : DetailsOfTax#1#CommodityVehicleType


  • 千帆AI加速器

    免费学习 大模型场景任务精调及实践操作 从数据筹备到模型优选,再到精调训练与超设置,全方位展示多个实战精调样板项目。 免费学习 逻辑编排类场景应用开发实战 本课程将通过多种案例实操为你展示逻辑编排类场景应用开发流程与技巧。 免费学习 千帆大模型平台深度应用与实战演练 通过实战演练,深入掌握千帆大模型平台的使用技巧,全方位提升大数据与AI领域的实战能力。


  • 安菲餐饮小程序餐饮外卖微信自助扫码点预约排号即开即用餐饮APP

    安菲餐饮小程序餐饮外卖微信自助扫码点预约排号即开即用餐饮APP 类似于美团、大众点评,具有排队、预约、点及点评功能,扫码即可点,无需服务员参与,下单自动出票。随着“附近的小程序”功能的推出,小程序成为餐饮行业重要的客户流量渠道。产品亮点:连接用户与餐饮商家。 小程序,餐饮小程序,外卖小程,序餐厅实用小程序,扫码点


  • APP认证签名串生成 - API网关 | 百度智能云文档

    The normalization algorithm is: * * * Convert the string into a UTF-8 byte array. * Encode all octets into percent-encoding, except all URI unreserved characters per the RFC 3986. * * * * All letters used


  • MPT-7B-Instruct - ModelBuilder

    I'd be happy to introduce Beijing, the capital city of China. Beijing is a city with a rich history dating back over 3,000 years, and it has been the capital of China for over 800 years.


  • MPT-30B-instruct - ModelBuilder

    I'd be happy to introduce Beijing, the capital city of China. Beijing is a city with a rich history dating back over 3,000 years, and it has been the capital of China for over 800 years.


  • Falcon-7B - ModelBuilder

    I'd be happy to introduce Beijing, the capital city of China. Beijing is a city with a rich history dating back over 3,000 years, and it has been the capital of China for over 800 years.
