height : 12 }, probability : { average : 0.9610459208 , min : 0.9607775807 }, word_name : DetailsOfTax#1#CommodityName , word : *信息技术服务*软件服务费 }, { word_name : DetailsOfTax#1#CommodityType
height : 12 }, probability : { average : 0.9610459208 , min : 0.9607775807 }, word_name : DetailsOfTax#1#CommodityName , word : *信息技术服务*软件服务费 }, { word_name : DetailsOfTax#1#CommodityType
name : 无下方截断 }, cellphone : { score : 0.9999989867210388 , name : 看手机 }, carrying_item : { score : 0.9861822128295898 , name : 无手提物 }, age : { score : 0.9811107516288757 , name
min : 0.9375267029 } , word_name : DetailsOfTax#1#CommodityTax , word : 20.38 } , { word_name : DetailsOfTax#1#CommodityPlateNum , word : } , { word_name : DetailsOfTax#1#CommodityVehicleType
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The normalization algorithm is: * * * Convert the string into a UTF-8 byte array. * Encode all octets into percent-encoding, except all URI unreserved characters per the RFC 3986. * * * * All letters used
I'd be happy to introduce Beijing, the capital city of China. Beijing is a city with a rich history dating back over 3,000 years, and it has been the capital of China for over 800 years.
I'd be happy to introduce Beijing, the capital city of China. Beijing is a city with a rich history dating back over 3,000 years, and it has been the capital of China for over 800 years.
I'd be happy to introduce Beijing, the capital city of China. Beijing is a city with a rich history dating back over 3,000 years, and it has been the capital of China for over 800 years.