quot;) if not (bucket_name and object_key): raise Exception("bucket or object is invalid!") if not des_file: raise Exception("destination file is invalid!
TypeError( Seed must be an integer ) if not isinstance(range, tuple): raise TypeError( Range must be a tuple ) if not isinstance(range[0], int) or not isinstance(range[1], int): raise TypeError( Range
except Exception as e : raise CustomException ( error_code = ERROR_CODE_FAILED_DECODING_INPUT , message = MESSAGE_FAILED_DECODING_INPUT , orig_error = e ) return features_np , { } , { } def predict
is_booster : features = DMatrix ( features ) except KeyError : raise CustomException ( error_code = ERROR_CODE_MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER , message = MESSAGE_MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER ) except Exception
bce_http_client.py”, line 184, in send_request if handler_function(http_response, response): File “/home/work/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/baidubce/http/handler.py”, line 71, in parse_error raise
bce_http_client.py”, line 184, in send_request if handler_function(http_response, response): File “/home/work/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/baidubce/http/handler.py”, line 71, in parse_error raise
in send_request if handler_function(http_response, response): File "/Users/caozibiao/work/code/faiss/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/baidubce/http/handler.py", line 75, in parse_error raise
gt;>>> if handler_function(http_response, response): >>>> File "C:\tools\Python27\lib\site-packages\baidubce\http\handler.py", line 71, in parse_error >>>> raise
except Exception : raise CustomException ( 'Invalid BASE64' ) data = np . frombuffer ( img_bin , dtype = 'uint8' ) im = cv2 . imdecode ( data , 1 ) # BGR mode, but need RGB mode im = cv2 . cvtColor
default_signed = ("host", "content-length", "content-type", "content-md5") if signedheaders: for key in signedheaders: key = normalized(key.lower()) if key not in keys: raise