withEnvironment(environment) .withHandler(handler) .withMemorySize(memorySize) .withRuntime(runtime) .withTimeout(timeOut); CreateFunctionResponse response = cfcClient.createFunction(request); System.out.println
BaiduRtcPlayer *)player errorCode:(BaiduRtcPlayerErrorCode)errorCode error:(nullableNSError *)error 错误回调(在子线程) - (void)onPlayerStreamChanged:(BaiduRtcPlayer *)player hasVideo:(BOOL)hasVideo hasAudio:
2)鉴权初始化的错误码对应的信息 ErrorCode 常量值 说明 SUCCESS 0 成功 LICENSE_NOT_INIT_ERROR 1 license未初始化 LICENSE_DECRYPT_ERROR 2 license数据解密失败 LICENSE_INFO_FORMAT_ERROR 3 license数据格式错误 LICENSE_KEY_CHECK_ERROR 4 license-key
2)鉴权初始化的错误码对应的信息 ErrorCode 常量值 说明 SUCCESS 0 成功 LICENSE_NOT_INIT_ERROR 1 license未初始化 LICENSE_DECRYPT_ERROR 2 license数据解密失败 LICENSE_INFO_FORMAT_ERROR 3 license数据格式错误 LICENSE_KEY_CHECK_ERROR 4 license-key
Pod.ContainerEnvironmentInvalid The container environment is invalid. Only status.podIP or status.podIPs are supported. 400 容器环境变量不合法。
EntityUtils ; import java . io . File ; import java . io . IOException ; import java . nio . charset .
Runtime string 运行语言。nodejs6.11、nodejs8.5、python2、java8。 MemorySize int 内存的大小,以MB为单位,CFC使用此内存大小来推断分配给您的函数的CPU和内存数量。默认值是128MB,必须是128MB的倍数。(现在CFC提供128至1024M的内存)。如果是Java8运行环境,内存大小为512至1024M。
nIn addition, Shanghai has a long history, dating back to the 10th century, and it has been a major commercial center for centuries.
nIn addition, Shanghai has a long history, dating back to the 10th century, and it has been a major commercial center for centuries.
若文档仍未解决您的问题,请 提交工单 联系百度的工作人员 FAQ 1.容器日志报错:cudaErrorNoDevice: no CUDA-capable device is detected at 查看/home/baidu/work/模型名称/start/start-1.sh文件中指定显卡ID的地方 是否是对的,显卡ID从序号0开始 2.'